Friday, October 14, 2011

One Day You're Here...

Happy Friday everybody!!  It's funny the titles of all my blog posts are song titles or song lyrics.  HA!  I guess I am a human jukebox. 

But today's blog title was more befitting than every!  I woke in a reflective mood this morning.  Although its the weekend and we are all happy about that, my weekend will have a little sadness to go along with it.  I have to attend some memorial activities and events from on of my beloved sorority sisters.  When I shared the news with people that did not know her they ask well how old was she, was she sick, what happened?  It's hard to answer those questions.  She wasn't very old not even 50 yet.  Her demise came so quickly and unexpectedly and was a major shock to us all.  But her sudden death made me really think about how life is a gift and people including myself take it for granted sometimes. 

So the song of the day is UGK's "One Day U Here" which is the title of the blog today.  By the way... "Riding Dirty" is a classic album, just saying!  I regress...but seriously think about that statement.  One day you are here "among the living" as the old folks say and the next day "death" has stopped by and paid a visit.  The church folks say no man knows the day nor the hour but we all have to go...  So why do we waste our precious time in negativity and doubt?  I mean really... while I was driving in this morning I was thinking about a lot of things.  About future plans and where I want to be in the next 10 or 15 years from now.  Then I realized... the only thing I need to worry about is the right now... TODAY!  Because tomorrow is not promised.  I said a prayer and told the Lord "THANK YA!!!!"  For real though yall... it's something that we all need to think about.  We think oh well we are young... well young folks are dying out quicker than old people.  I had three of my mother's siblings to pass away before my 96 year old great- aunt.  So age means nothing!  Our lives are planned out before we are born.  We have a purpose...  it's just up to us to ask for guidance so that we won't be going against God's Will. 

The reason I chose to write about this today is because all of us everybody... you, me, your momma and cousins and 'nem need to let the craziness and foolishness go.  Squash the beefs, forgive and forget, let go of any regrets, learn from your experiences, and live your life like T.I. and Ri Ri (go ahead and sing the song!)  You never know when death will be at your doorstep.  And thats real!

So take a min and say a prayer and be thankful for waking up this morning and make a change for the better.  We all have something that we can improve about ourselves.  Me??  Well, I play it safe not a big risk taker and a bit of a worry wart... but I plan on doing some other stuff to make my days on this earth better for me and those around me.  If I had to take a page out of my sorority sister's book of life I would be as active and full of life and joy as she was when she was alive; do all the things I love to do and put my all in it. 

"Everybody dies but not everybody lives!"  Enjoy your moments for life!

And that's how Flo sees it!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Lessons Learned: School Daze Edition

"Thy noble tri-colors that ripple the breeze, bridging the mountains... spanning the seas..."

Now for some of you that read those words above they mean absolutely nothing to you... but for others... my fellow alumni of Clark Atlanta University, it means a whole lot for you.

When we graduated from high school some 10 years ago we all made different decisions in life. Some decided that living in our hometowns was cool and it wasn't necessary to leave or it wasn't feasible for us to leave because of our circumstances. For others, we embarked on the journey to leave the nest and go off to do our own thing; maybe it was going to the local community college or going on a sabbatical to far off lands abroad. And others decided to go off to do the college experience... like me. I decided to leave the small town living behind and go to the big city! Yea, somewhat reminiscent of the Beverly Hillbillies story minus the oil and the big family... it was just me. But I wanted to see what the world looked like outside the bubble that was York, Alabama and move to the A-T-L... Atlanta, GA that is... Me and two of my closest friend embarked on a journey up I-20 together to take over Atlanta. It was a great experience for all of us... But I like to think that my experience at the illustrious and prestigious Clark Atlanta University is what made my Atlanta journey so memorable.

This week is Homecoming Week and like most of us that went to college especially HBCU's we have been preparing for this weekend for some time now. We have purchased plane tickets, rented cars, bought tickets to the all the parties, and started stocking up on our favorite brands of liquor to make the weekend memorable. But as I sit at my desk today, it made me think and reflect on all of the lessons I learned at CAU. Not just the ones that I "tried to pay attention to in Wright Hall but the ones that I learned on "The Strip," on the shuttle bus to Studio Central, as well walking through University Holmes and throughout the city. So in honor of CAU Homecoming 2011 I am bringing you 5 Lessons/Moments that "Clark-eezy" taught me. (from Kayne's "The Blame Game" skit) LOL!

#5- "Never Judge A Book By Its Cover"

- Going to CAU I met people from everywhere... Dirty South folks such as myself, East Coasters, West Coaster, Mid-West Swingers, Islanders, etc. and everybody had preconceived notions about each other. I was always told that I didn't look like I was from Alabama... well what do people from Alabama look like?? I had stereotypes in my head too. People that you would walk by their room in New Res or Heritage Commons that reeked of weed smoke actually graduated and have high paying jobs now... You just never know!

#4- "Don't Exclude Yourself"

- Because there was so much stuff going around campus it was overwhelming to find something to get into. If I could do it all over, I would have actually joined a lot more clubs and been active around campus. You meet 10 times more people and have a richer experience. In this situation there there is nothing wrong with cliques you can actually clique with more people if you just surround yourself with others... but I still have a really dope group of people that I know through others so I guess I came out on the good side with that one.

#3- "Look to Your Left and Look to Your Right..."

- I giggle every time I hear this line. And yes, it is still being used on our youngsters today! I think this is just an HBCU thing but in orientation they told us to "look to your left and look to your right because those people will not be at graduation." Now that I am 10 years older and realize that mean I was on somebody's left or right and wasn't supposed to make it. However, I proudly had a seat at Commencement 2005. BUT my point is that line is somewhat true, society or whomever, wants you not to succeed so it is up to you to make that out as a lie. What they said at orientation where just merely statistics. Glad I didn't take it to heart or else I could have been defeated before it even started... True enough college is not for everybody but it’s up to you to make it what it will be... I'm pretty proud to say that I believe those that were sitting by me in orientation did indeed make it.

#2- "The Team of Me"

- As much as there was to do in Atlanta, on campus and off, I knew that I was there to take care of business at the end of the day. My mother remind me every day about what she could be driving sending me to school. Yea I slacked off the begging of the semester and then buckled down after midterms. I could have really had an awesome GPA if I had just done everything I was supposed to do. You can laugh at your classmates or decide to take a nap in Heritage or just say eff it and not go to class but ultimately it’s about you at the end of the day. I had some bomb semesters and had some not so good ones... Shoot I made an A in Finance and everybody was struggling in there it seemed. So it was on me to do what I needed to do... It's Team Flo to this day!

#1- "Celebrate/Remember the Past... But Don't Dwell on It"

- Finally as I giggle and laugh at a lot of the dumb stuff we did in undergrad those same experience are the things I have brought to the forefront and learned from. My 28 year old self can tell my 18 year old self some things... But that's all about growing up. I would tell myself stick out being on the step team or stop laughing at people in Marketing class with Dr. Api. However, everything happened for a reason and things in the past are just that in the past... Those times were good, some bad, and some just downright ugly... that was MY college experience and I am so glad I had it!

There are so many other things I learned at CAU, so many great people that I met and still connect with, I've been to baby showers, weddings, and celebrated home ownership and 2nd and 3rd degrees with these people and I am thankful for them... Wishing you all safe travels to Atl this weekend! I'm bringing the Jell-O shots!

GO PANTHERS!!! Happy Homecoming 2011!

"Reign Clark Atlanta... thy reignest reignest!"